Letter and proposed appeal

For an Appeal of the Communist Left to the working class against the international campaign to mobilise for bourgeois democracy

Published by ICConline
Tuesday, 24 September, 2024 - 19:12

The ICC calls on the groups of the Communist Left to issue a common statement against the current ideological campaigns that call on us to choose between the right and left wings of the capitalist political spectrum.

Inter-imperialist conflict

War in Ukraine and the Middle East: Two expressions of the horror and irrational madness of capitalism!

Published by ICConline
Wednesday, 11 September, 2024 - 15:47

Since this article was written, recent events, and in particular developments in the Middle East, clearly confirm the article’s prediction that we are seeing the growing escalation of the war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon.We have therefore written a new introduction to the existing article.


No end to austerity with the new Labour government

Published by ICConline
Tuesday, 17 September, 2024 - 15:14

Starmer talks about the "hard choices" ahead. But the Labour Party can never chose any course but the defence of capitalism

Elections in the United States, a populist wave around the world...

The future of humanity lies not in the ballot box, but in the class struggle!

Published by ICConline
Thursday, 12 September, 2024 - 10:15

Wars, terrorism, pandemics, climate change, insecurity, famine... Not a day goes by without a new catastrophe, without a new massacre. Every region of the world, even within the most powerful countries, is affected by this immense global chaos. 

International class struggle

In Argentina, as elsewhere, workers must learn the lessons of their past struggles in order to prepare for those of the future.

Published by: ICConline
Thursday, 10 October, 2024 - 11:40

In Argentina, the government of populist president Milei is launching brutal attacks on workers' living standards, but the right wing of the bourgeoisie is by no means the only enemy of the working class

Defence of the Communist Left

The death of Michel Olivier: An indecent opportunity for a new anti-ICC campaign

Published by: ICConline
Tuesday, 1 October, 2024 - 17:02

A response to the some very serious accusations against the ICC in a recent article by the Internationalist Communist Tendency.

Racist Riots in Britain

No to divide and rule! Our only defence is the class struggle!

Published by: ICConline
Sunday, 11 August, 2024 - 07:55

The issue posed by the racist riots in Britain is not fascism versus democracy but the need for working class unity against capitalism as a whole

ICC international public meeting

The left wing of capital cannot save this dying system

Published by: ICConline
Monday, 16 September, 2024 - 11:49

A brief report on an international online meeting about the rise of populism and the problems it is creating for the bourgeoisie as a whole

Reader's contribution

New Popular Front: new instrument against the working class

Published by: ICConline
Monday, 16 September, 2024 - 11:58

Following the international online meeting on the significance of the rise of populism, a close sympathiser sent us this contribution on the role of the New Popular Front in the France

Grenfell disaster

Grenfell fire inquiry: capitalism is responsible

Published by: ICConline
Monday, 16 September, 2024 - 10:10

The recent report of the inquiry commission does not point to the capitalist system, but to the companies, institutions, managements directly or indirectly involved in the refurbishment of the Grenfell building. But it is not enough to blame particular actors, we have to dig deeper.

Xenophobic riots in Britain, anti-racist demos

Faced with racism, bourgeois democracy is a dead end!

Published by: ICConline
Friday, 13 September, 2024 - 13:18

The bourgeoisie tries to use the racist riots in Britain and elsewhere to reinforce illusions in 'democracy'.

Readers' contributions

Thoughts on the discussion on populism at the ICC’s international online public meeting in July

Published by: ICConline
Friday, 6 September, 2024 - 10:08

The discussion at this international public meeting showed that it is extremely important for revolutionaries to have a clear grasp of the phenomenon of populism (and the rise of the far right). The debate gave rise to different interpretations of the populist phenomenon and its significance. We are publishing here two contributions from close sympathisers, which provide a clear defence of the ICC’s analysis of the phenomenon.

Assassination attempt on Donald Trump

The US bourgeoisie sinks into the quagmire of instability

Published by: ICConline
Monday, 22 July, 2024 - 12:20

A first reaction to the assassination attempt on Donal Trump, written before Joe Biden’s reluctant decision to stand down from the forthcoming presidential election

Political parasitism

Confronted with the lies and confusion from the IGCL, the ICC defends its intervention on the question of war

Published by: ICConline
Thursday, 22 August, 2024 - 18:14

Having re-established the facts about our platform, slandered by the “International Group of the Communist Left”, we must now defend the content of our intervention dealing with the war, faced with defamatory statements from the IGCL.

Reader's contribution on the racist riots in Britain

Racism, anti-racism, weapons of the ruling class

Published by: ICConline
Tuesday, 13 August, 2024 - 09:55

We are publishing this contribution by a close sympathiser who was moved to write it in response to the barrage of bourgeois propaganda about the racist riots in Britain and the response by the main factions of the ruling class. We fully endorse its clear denunciation of this ideological attack, as well as the article's exposure of the true "record" of capitalism when it comes to the mass killing of children.

For class unity

The working class is an immigrant class

Published by: World Revolution
Wednesday, 6 December, 2006 - 18:19

We are republishing this article from 2006 which shows not only that campaigns against immigrants have been building up over a long period; and above all it underlines the historic nature of the working class as a class of immigrants which can never have a "fatherland"

The political apparatus of the ruling class

The rise of populism is a pure product of capitalist decomposition

Published by: ICConline
Wednesday, 3 July, 2024 - 10:15

The European elections have confirmed the reality of a process of weakening which is affecting all the political apparatuses of the bourgeoisie throughout the world.

A ‘Promised Land’ of imperialist confrontation

More than a century of conflict in Israel/Palestine

Published by: International Review
Tuesday, 30 July, 2024 - 08:57

An article showing that, in the period of capitalism’s decadence, neither the Zionist dream of Jewish statehood or the demand for “Freedom for Palestine” can ever escape the brutal logic of imperialist war.

Report on the economic crisis

This crisis is going to be the most serious in the whole period of decadence

Published by: International Review
Thursday, 27 June, 2024 - 17:56

This report bases its assessment of the current severity of the economic crisis on the achievements of marxism and the elements of its evolution since the late 1960s, as set out in various ICC publications.


Another fake International … Despite its new coat the Trotskyist IMT remains an enemy of the working class

Published by: ICConline
Saturday, 15 June, 2024 - 09:05

When workers are looking for revolutionary clarity they will come across currents masquerading as 'communist' that are actually driven by the needs of capital.

The fight against opportunism

The fight against opportunism, a vital challenge for the revolution

Published by: International Review
Monday, 13 May, 2024 - 13:12

The refusal to work together with other groups of the Communist Left defending the historic principles of this current in favour of collaboration with the forces of the "marsh" (the confused zone between proletarian positions and those of the left of the bourgeoisie) has a name: opportunism. 

The fight against imperialist war can only be waged with the positions of the Communist Left

Published by: International Review
Monday, 15 April, 2024 - 13:59

The Communist Left is the only real heir to the marxist tradition of struggle against imperialist war.

Two years on from the Joint Statement of the Communist Left on the war in Ukraine

Published by: International Review
Monday, 15 April, 2024 - 19:40

A first balance sheet of our appeals to the Communist Left to make a joint statement on the current imperialist conflicts.

Internationalism against leftism

What is 'Lotta Comunista' in reality?

Published by: ICConline
Thursday, 11 April, 2024 - 11:10

In Britain, the group Lotta Comunista hides behind the “Internationalist Workers Club”, which runs food banks in London. It may at first sight look like an internationalist organisation from the tradition of the Communist left. This article argues that appearances can be deceptive.

Révolution Internationale 500

The revolutionary press is a political compass and a fighting weapon

Published by: ICConline
Sunday, 4 February, 2024 - 07:47

The ICC's paper in France reached its 500th issue in January.



Position of the internationalists in the 1930s

Bilan & the Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine

Published by: International Review
Monday, 27 October, 2014 - 21:19

The articles reproduced here were originally published in 1936 in issues 31 and 32 of Bilan, the organ of the Italian Fraction of the Communist Left. The Fraction was obliged to outline the marxist position on the Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine following the Arab general strike against Jewish immigration, which had degenerated into a series of bloody pogroms.

Resolution on the British situation, December 2023

British capitalism and the development of the class struggle

Published by: ICConline
Sunday, 31 December, 2023 - 14:26

Resolution on the state of the British capitalism and imperialism, and the response of the working class to the crisis, adopted at a recent ICC conference

Special Dossier "War in Ukraine"

Ukraine Dossier: Capitalism is War - War on Capitalism!

Published by: ICConline
Tuesday, 17 May, 2022 - 09:32

A selection of articles, analyses, leaflets and statements on the unfolding inter-imperialist war following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Capitalist barbarism

War atrocities used to justify… new atrocities

Published by: International Review
Wednesday, 13 December, 2023 - 09:24

In the new war in the Middle East, the crimes of one side are being used to justify the crimes of the other, as in all wars of this decaying system.

Reader's letter

On the call for the Communist Left to make a joint appeal against the democratic campaign

Published by: ICConline
Thursday, 10 October, 2024 - 12:08

We are publishing a response from a close sympathiser to our call for an appeal by the groups of the Communist Left in response to the massive international democratic campaign of the bourgeoisie. We fully support its approach and conclusions.

The ICC's fight against opportunism and parasitism

Published by: ICConline
Friday, 15 December, 2023 - 10:05

A letter from a sympathiser expressing solidarity with the ICC in its defence of the proletarian political milieu.

Readers’ contribution

A discussion on the necessity and possibility of communism

Published by: ICConline
Tuesday, 24 September, 2024 - 15:55

Following an online ICC discussion meeting on the question of communism, two close sympathisers combined forces to produce this account of the meeting, which we think clearly draws out its principal themes and conclusions.

Struggle against imperialist war

Prague Action Week: Some lessons, and some replies to slander

Published by: ICConline
Wednesday, 4 September, 2024 - 14:21

A defence of the presence and intervention of the communist left at a gathering of elements seeking to oppose all imperialist wars

Riots in Bangladesh

The uprising paved the way for another bourgeois regime

Published by: ICConline
Sunday, 15 September, 2024 - 15:34

This article exposes the lie that a "revolution" has taken place in Bangladesh

Homage to a revolutionary

In memory of our comrade Enrique

Published by: ICConline
Friday, 2 August, 2024 - 11:38

It is with deep regret that we inform our sympathisers and readers of the death, at the age of 74, of our comrade Enrique. His unexpected death has put a sudden end to more than 50 years of dedication and contribution to the struggle of the world proletariat

Election results in Britain and France

The capitalist left can't save a dying system

Published by: International Review
Friday, 12 July, 2024 - 11:34

The limits to the efforts of the bourgeoisie to shore up its fragmenting political apparatus.

New act of snitching by the IGCL

Appeal for revolutionary solidarity and defence of proletarian principles

Published by: ICConline
Saturday, 3 August, 2024 - 19:59

The "International Group of the Communist Left" (IGCL) has been publishing new "revelations" about the ICC's internal life - in sum, information of interest to the police

International Review 172 Editorial

Faced with chaos and barbarism, the responsibility of revolutionaries

Published by: International Review
Friday, 16 August, 2024 - 13:28

Gone are the days when, despite the reality of a world dominated by a system of exploitation that is leading humanity more and more explicitly to its doom, the media persisted in spreading a little optimism to lull the exploited to sleep by suggesting reasons to hope for a better capitalist world. 

Critique of the so-called communisers, part 4

The two teats that suckle the communisers: Denial of the revolutionary proletariat, denial of the dictatorship of the proletariat

Published by: International Review
Thursday, 15 August, 2024 - 21:15

We continue our series on the “communisation” current by showing how their rejection of proletarian political power is not a “modern” conception but a regression to Bakunin’s anarchism.

Imperialist tensions

The deepening and extension of wars reflect the growing impasse of capitalism

Published by: International Review
Friday, 9 August, 2024 - 20:28

Faced with the total impasse in which capitalism finds itself and the failure of all economic "remedies", the bourgeoisie has no choice but to rush forward by means that can only be military.

Elections in Europe and the US

Democratic campaigns against working class consciousness

Published by: International Review
Thursday, 8 August, 2024 - 20:32

With the presidential race in the United States and the European elections, the various bourgeois factions in the state apparatus have developed a vast ideological campaign in defence of democracy and its institutions, "threatened" by the rise of populism.

Democratic trap

India after the elections: A narrow mandate for Modi and more sacrifices for the working class

Published by: ICConline
Thursday, 25 July, 2024 - 17:35

All factions of the Indian bourgeoisie salute the elections as a victory for the world’s biggest democracy. But the outcome offers nothing to India’s poor and exploited.

Report on the political life of the bourgeoise

How the bourgeoisie organises itself

Published by: International Review
Monday, 17 June, 2024 - 17:53

An examination of the political life of the class enemy.

Election circus

You can’t change society with a ballot paper

Published by: ICConline
Thursday, 13 June, 2024 - 21:05

In Britain, as in France, the EU and soon in the USA, the electoral circus is again in full swing. We will be publishing various articles analysing the implications of these and other elections as expressions of the bourgeoise’s growing loss of control over its political machinery. But first we want to reaffirm the basic class position developed in particular by the Communist Left since capitalism entered its epoch of decline in the early years of the 20th century: that contrary to the propaganda of the ruling class, neither elections nor parliament can prevent the headlong rush of this system towards economic crisis, war and self-destruction.

The struggle against capitalist war

Prague "Action Week": Activism is a barrier to political clarification

Published by: International Review
Monday, 10 June, 2024 - 00:26

A report on trials, tribulations and some small gains from an international gathering aimed at opposing imperialist war.  

Marxism and Ecology

Andreas Malm: 'Ecological' rhetoric in defence of the capitalist state

Published by: ICConline
Monday, 1 July, 2024 - 12:19

Andreas Malm, of How to blow up a pipeline fame, has been called the "Lenin of Ecology". But Malm abandons Lenin's call for the destruction of the bourgeois state and falsely claims that its machinery can be used to save us from the ecological crisis. 

Critique of Saito's "Degrowth Communism"

Published by: ICConline
Friday, 12 April, 2024 - 13:26

Why marxists reject all versions of the “Green New Deal”, from the mainstream to its most left wing variants

Proletarian political milieu

War in the Middle East: The obsolete theoretical framework of the Bordigist groups

Published by: ICConline
Friday, 1 March, 2024 - 20:11

Some revolutionary groups have defended unambiguous internationalist positions in the face of war. But Bordigist groups have been led into opportunist slidings, the trivialisation of war, and an underestimation of what’s at stake in the present situation.

Discussions in the ICC

Dossier: Internal debate on the world situation

Published by: ICConline
Wednesday, 14 February, 2024 - 12:45

This dossier contains contributions to an internal debate relating to the understanding of the ICC’s concept of decomposition, to inter-imperialist tensions and the threat of war, and to the balance of forces between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.

Imperialism and decomposition

The USA: Superpower in the decadence of capitalism, today epicentre of social decomposition. Part II

Published by: International Review
Saturday, 30 December, 2023 - 00:24

The first part of this article described the rise to power of American imperialism which in the decadent phase of capitalism became the dominant imperialism, leader of the Western bloc that finally triumphed over the rival Soviet bloc in the late 1980s. In the introduction to this first part, it was already emphasized that "the collapse of the Eastern bloc marked the beginning of a terminal phase in the evolution of capitalism: social decomposition", which would not only accelerate the bourgeois system's descent into chaos and barbarism, but also lead to the decline of American leadership. The second part of this article will focus precisely on highlighting this process, which began in the 1990s.

The Middle East conflict

Dossier on war in the Middle East

Published by: ICConline
Friday, 12 January, 2024 - 10:26

A collection of articles illuminating the origins of and current conflict in the Middle East.

The proletarian political milieu

The ICT and the No War But the Class War initiative: an opportunist bluff which weakens the Communist Left

Published by: ICConline
Monday, 11 September, 2023 - 19:54

Our critique of the recent statement of the Internationalist Communist Tendency justifying the creation of a number of local committees around the slogan 'No War But the Class War'

25th International Congress of the ICC

Resolution on the International Situation, 25th ICC Congress

Published by: International Review
Monday, 5 June, 2023 - 16:54

A text covering the evolution of the economic crisis, inter-imperialist tensions, the class struggle and perspectives for all three, adopted by the ICC's 25th Congress.