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Escribir a la dirección indicada en función del país
Écrivez à l'adresse indiquée en fonction du pays
Schreiben Sie an die angegebene Adresse je nach Land
Spain, France, Brazil (España, France, Brasil)
Revue Internationale, BP 30605, 31006 TOULOUSE CEDEX 6, France
México, Venezuela, Perú, Ecuador
Apartado Postal 15-024, C.P 02600,
Distrito Federal, México, México
Belgium (België, Belgique), Netherlands (Nederland)
BP 94, 2600 Berchem, Belgium
Italy (Italia)
CP 469, 80100 Napoli, Italy
Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (Deutschland, Sverige, Schweiz, Türkiye)
Internationale Revue, Postfach 367, CH-8021 Zürich, Switzerland
Great Britain, Australia and United States of America
BM Box 869, London WC1N 3XX, Great Britain
NOTE: Please contact us by email during the precautions against the coronavirus as we will not be able to check the postal box until the precautions are relaxed.
India, Philippines
POB 25, NIT, Faridabad, 121001, Haryana, India