International Review 2020s : 164 - ...
Index of International Reviews for the decade 2020
- International Review 2020
- International Review 164 - Spring 2020
- Reports and Resolutions of the 23rd Congress of the ICC
- Introduction to the report on the historic course
- Report on the question of the historic course
- The different facets of fraction-like work
- Report on decomposition today, from the 22nd ICC Congress
- Report on the impact of the decomposition on the political life of the bourgeoisie (23rd ICC Congress)
- Report on the class struggle : Formation, loss and re-conquest of proletarian class identity
- Resolution on the International Situation (2019): Imperialist conflicts; life of the bourgeoisie, economic crisis
- Resolution on the balance of forces between the classes (2019)
- International Review 2021
- International Review 165 - Winter 2021
- International Review 166 - Spring 2021
- Presentation of the Review
- Health Conservation in Soviet Russia
- Generalised capitalist barbarism Or World proletarian revolution (International leaflet)
- Biden presidency: The US and world capitalism on the road to nowhere
- 100 years after the foundation of the Communist International: What lessons can we draw for future combats? (part three)
- Bordiga and the Big City
- Fifty years ago, May 68: The difficult evolution of the proletarian political milieu (part 2)
- International Review 166 - Spring 2021 pdf
- International Review 167 - Winter 2022
- Balance sheet of the Congress: Understanding the historical situation and preparing for the future
- November 2021 Report
- Resolution on the international situation adopted by the 24th ICC Congress
- Report on the pandemic and the development of decomposition
- Report on the economic crisis for the 24th Congress of the ICC
- Report on the international class struggle to the 24th ICC Congress
- 100 years after the foundation of the Communist International: what lessons can we draw for future combats? (Part 4)
- The adventurer Gaizka has the defenders he deserves: the gangsters of the IGCL
- The truth is revolutionary - For a factual history of the Communist Left (Correspondence with the ICT)
- Open letter to the militants of the IBRP (December 2004)
- International Review 167 - PDF of Printed Issue
- International Review 2022
- International Review 168 - Summer 2022
- Militarism and Decomposition (May 2022)
- How can the proletariat overthrow capitalism?
- Joint statement of groups of the international communist left about the war in Ukraine
- Marc Chirik and the state in the period of transition
- International Review 168 - Summer 2022 pdf
- The significance and impact of the war in Ukraine
- International Review 2023
- International Review 169 - Winter 2023
- Faced with war and the acceleration of the crisis of capitalism, revolutionaries have a historic responsibility
- The acceleration of capitalist decomposition poses the clear possibility of the destruction of humanity
- The return of the combativity of the world proletariat
- Capitalism leads to the destruction of humanity... Only the world revolution of the proletariat can put an end to it
- Against the manufacturing of impotence, communism alone offers humanity a perspective
- Part One: Introduction to the series on “Communisers”
- German Social Democracy 1872 – 1914: the fight against organisational opportunism, Part 1
- From leftism to modernism: the misadventures of the ‘Bérard tendency’
- 100 years after the foundation of the Communist International: What lessons can we draw for future combats? (Part V)
- International Review 169 - Winter 2023pdf
- The superpower in capitalist decadence is now the epicentre of social decomposition, part I
- International Review 170 - Summer 2023
- International revolution or the destruction of humanity: the crucial responsibility of revolutionary organisations
- Report on imperialist tensions
- Resolution on the International Situation, 25th ICC Congress
- Update of the Theses on Decomposition (2023)
- Report on class struggle for the 25th ICC congress
- Report on the economic crisis for the 25th ICC Congress
- International Review 170 - Summer 2023pdf
- International Review 2024
- International Review 171 - Winter 2024
- In the face of a mad rush towards chaos and war, the world-wide development of the class struggle
- Spiral of atrocities in the Middle East: the terrifying reality of decomposing capitalism
- Call from the communist left: down with the massacres, no support to any imperialist camp! No to pacifist illusions! For proletarian internationalism!
- War atrocities used to justify… new atrocities
- Resolution on the international situation, December 2023
- After the rupture in the class struggle, the necessity for politicisation
- The USA: Superpower in the decadence of capitalism, today epicentre of social decomposition. Part II
- German Social Democracy 1872 – 1914: the fight against organisational opportunism, Part 2
- Political parasitism is not a myth, and the IGCL is a dangerous expression of it
- The IGCL's pseudo-"critique" of the ICC platform - A sham analysis to discredit the ICC and its political inheritance (the Communist Left)
- The marxist foundations of the notion of political parasitism and the fight against this scourge
- Part 3.2: Jacques Camatte - from Bordigism to the negation of the proletariat
- Critique of the so-called “Communisers” Part 3.1: Jacques Camatte - from Bordigism to the negation of the proletariat
- International Review 171 - Winter 2024pdf
- International Review 172 - Summer 2024
- Faced with chaos and barbarism, the responsibility of revolutionaries
- Democratic campaigns against working class consciousness
- The capitalist left can't save a dying system
- The deepening and extension of wars reflect the growing impasse of capitalism
- Prague "Action Week": Activism is a barrier to political clarification
- Two years on from the Joint Statement of the Communist Left on the war in Ukraine
- Manifesto of the Communist Left to the Workers of Europe, June 1944
- The fight against imperialist war can only be waged with the positions of the Communist Left
- How the bourgeoisie organises itself
- This crisis is going to be the most serious in the whole period of decadence
- The two teats that suckle the communisers: Denial of the revolutionary proletariat, denial of the dictatorship of the proletariat
- International Review 172 - Summer 2024 pdf
- The Fight Against Opportunism
- The ICT and the No War But the Class War initiative: an opportunist bluff which weakens the Communist Left
- How the ICT denies the lessons of Marxism on the fight against political parasitism
- Gaizka: Should an adventurer be publicly exposed?
- The fight against opportunism, a vital challenge for the revolution
- International Review 2025