World Revolution 2020s - 385 to ...
- World Revolution 385 - Spring 2020
- Anarchists and Extinction Rebellion: A bourgeois organisation cannot be transformed
- Decline of ‘Socialist’ Parties is an international phenomenon
- Johnson government: The political crisis has not gone away
- Meeting: Strikes in France: the working class begins to become aware of itself
- More evidence that capitalism has become a danger to humanity
- Soleimani assassination: Middle East dominated by imperialist free-for-all
- The democratic mystification fuels capitalist repression
- The French government and unions hand-in-hand to implement pensions ‘reform’
- The working class begins to become aware of itself
- World Revolution 386 - Summer 2020
- Covid-19: despite all the obstacles, the class struggle forges its future
- The profound impact of the Covid-19 crisis in Britain
- An appeal for solidarity with the ICC in the proletarian milieu faced with a new parasitic attack
- Solidarity with health workers – against their employer, the capitalist NHS
- How to make a profit from an ecological disaster
- The movement against "pension reform": Drawing the lessons to prepare for future struggles
- World Revolution 387 - Autumn 2020
- Trump and Biden: the false choices of capitalist democracy
- Johnson government: a policy of vandalism
- Britain ruled by the waves
- Protests in the health sector: putting “national unity” into question
- Belarus: whether the regime is authoritarian or democratic, it’s the same capitalist exploitation!
- Explosion in Beirut: a tragic illustration of capitalist negligence
- The mass strike in Poland 1980: Lessons for the future
- Population lockdown: the bourgeois state shows its brutality
- World Revolution 388 - Winter 2021
- British capitalism clobbered by both Covid and Brexit
- Covid-19 Pandemic, assault on the Capitol in Washington: two expressions of the intensification of capitalist decomposition
- Labour divisions underline bourgeoisie's growing loss of control
- Strike of agribusiness workers in Peru
- Understanding the phase of decomposition: Report of an ICC contact meeting in France, November 2020
- USA: the struggle of the workers’ movement against slavery and racism (Part 1)
- World Revolution 389 - Summer 2021
- Internationalism means the rejection of both imperialist camps
- Against the nationalist poison, international solidarity of all workers!
- Populism accelerates instability and fragmentation
- Cummings “revelations”: Bourgeois vendettas and the distortion of science
- USA: the struggle of the workers’ movement against slavery and racism (Part 2)
- Growth as decay
- World Revolution 389 Summer 2021 pdf
- World Revolution 390 - Autumn 2021
- No future without the overthrow of capitalism
- Economic attacks expose the fraud of “levelling up”
- The humiliation of British imperialism in Afghanistan
- The petrol supply crisis: no national solution
- Behind the decline of US imperialism, the decline of world capitalism
- The necessity for a transition…to communism
- USA: the struggle of the workers’ movement against slavery and racism (Part 3)
- World Revolution 390 - Autumn 2021 pdf
- World Revolution 391 - Winter 2022
- Against the attacks of the ruling class, we need a massive, united struggle!
- Contribute to the debate!
- The working class is beginning to respond to the attacks
- Tory divisions highlight the fragmentation of the ruling class
- ACG and identity politics: a very inadequate break
- USA: the struggle of the workers’ movement against slavery and racism, part 4
- Workers’ struggles drowned in bourgeois faction fights
- World Revolution 391 - Winter 2022 pdf
- World Revolution 392 - Spring 2022
- World Revolution 393 - Summer 2022
- World Revolution 394 - Autumn 2022
- Faced with the acceleration of capitalist barbarism, there is only one answer: class struggle!
- The world economy hit by the acceleration of decomposition
- Workers fight for their own side in the class war
- The international importance of the strikes in Britain
- American imperialism, a major factor in capitalist chaos
- Capitalist destruction of nature heats up the need for communism
- The “Tory crisis” expresses the impasse of the whole ruling class
- World Revolution 395 - Winter 2023
- How can we fight together in a massive, united movement?
- How to resist the attacks and develop the fight?
- The proletariat must fight back with the class struggle!
- How should revolutionaries orient their interventions?
- Capitalism accumulates ruins and corpses
- Citizens' mobilisations for "democracy" are a deadly trap for the working class
- The Chinese bourgeoisie in turmoil
- World Revolution 395 - Winter 2023 pdf
- World Revolution 396 - Spring 2023
- Faced with crisis and austerity, the working class is raising its head all over the world!
- Northern Ireland: An advance by US imperialism and a headache for the British bourgeoisie
- In France as elsewhere... the same struggle! The same class combat!
- Police violence and confronting the cops… the bourgeoisie will use all the means at its disposal to undermine the struggle!
- How do you assess the general dynamic of a proletarian struggle?
- The war in Ukraine is fuelling barbarism and chaos around the world
- The ICT's ambiguities about the historical significance of the strike wave in the UK
- In Greece as well, workers’ combativity and solidarity
- The historic importance of the strike wave in the UK
- World Revolution 396 - Spring 2023.pdf
- World Revolution 397 - Summer 2023
- Faced with war and capitalist destruction, only one way out: class struggle!
- Union divisions can only weaken our struggle
- The SWP's ‘radical’ language - to lead workers’ struggles into a dead-end
- Why does the ICC talk about a "rupture" in the class struggle?
- ACG bans the ICC from its public meetings, CWO betrays solidarity between revolutionary organisations
- The decomposition of capitalism is accelerating!
- The Wagner Group rebellion is a new step in instability and chaos
- Faced with the barbarity of the bourgeois state, indiscriminate violence is a dead end
- As in Britain, France and other countries, workers in the United States are fighting back against the attacks of the bourgeoisie.
- World Revolution 398 - Autumn 2023
- Neither Israel nor Palestine! Workers have no fatherland!
- Strikes and demonstrations in the United States, Spain, Greece, France... How can we develop and unite our struggles?
- The dynamic of decaying capitalism leads to more and more wars
- The bourgeoisie is unable to stem the tide of climate change
- Internationalist positions against the war
- Coups d'état in the Sahel: a further step in the destabilisation of the region
- The struggle is ahead of us!
- Tribute to our comrade Antonio
- Balance sheet of the ICC's intervention in the struggles of workers around the world
- World Revolution 398 - Autumn 2023 pdf
- World Revolution 399 - Winter 2024
- After Ukraine, the Middle East: capitalism’s only future is barbarism and chaos!
- Bourgeois parties divided, but united against the working class
- COP 28 in Dubai: A symbol of the cynicism of the bourgeoisie
- Despite the “Swedish model”, workers in Scandinavia respond to the deepening crisis of capitalism
- Historic mobilisations in Quebec as well
- Milei takes his chainsaw to the Argentine working class
- The ICC's fight against opportunism and parasitism
- The reality behind the bourgeois slogans
- The Trotskyists hear the call to imperialist war, and answer: ready to serve!
- War in Gaza: workers have no country!
- World Revolution 399 - Winter 2024pdf
- World Revolution 400 - Spring 2024
- Capitalist barbarism is let loose! There's only one way out: class struggle!
- The working class is still fighting!
- The working class has finally recovered from the defeat
- "Guaranteeing peace by preparing for war"
- Germany: workers will pay the cost of the economic crisis
- Critique of Saito's "Degrowth Communism"
- World Revolution 400 - Spring 2024.pdf
- WR 400: Fifty years of intervention in the working class
- World Revolution 401 - Autumn 2024
- The future of humanity lies not in the ballot box, but in the class struggle!
- No end to austerity with the new Labour government
- The left wing of capital cannot save this dying system
- Faced with racism, bourgeois democracy is a dead end!
- In memory of our comrade Enrique
- For an Appeal of the Communist Left to the working class against the international campaign to mobilise for bourgeois democracy
- A discussion on the necessity and possibility of communism
- The uprising paved the way for another bourgeois regime
- New Popular Front: new instrument against the working class
- Prague Action Week: Some lessons, and some replies to slander
- World Revolution 401 - autumn 2024pdf
- World Revolution 402 - Winter 2025
- Belgium: workers mobilise against bourgeois austerity plans
- Capitalism caught in the spiral of endless wars
- Faced with capitalist crisis and disorder, sharpen the class struggle!
- From the floods in Germany (2021) to the destructive floods in Spain (2024), the impasse of a dying capitalist system
- The global economic crisis deepens, and capitalism launches more attacks on the working class
- The historical roots of the “rupture” in the dynamics of the class struggle since 2022 (Part I)
- Tribute to our comrade Laurie
- World Revolution 402 - Winter 2025.pdf
- World Revolution 403 - Spring 2025