ICConline - 2020s
- ICConline - 2020
- January 2020
- March 2020
- April 2020
- "War of the masks": the bourgeoisie is a class of thieves!
- Beyond bourgeois elections, towards communism as the future of the working class
- Epidemic in France: the criminal negligence of the bourgeoisie
- Gaizka’s deafening silence
- In Guayaquil, Ecuador: in the face of a health crisis, capitalism inflicts pain and death
- The German bourgeoisie’s instinct for power
- The New Silk Road: China’s challenge to the existing world order
- The pandemic reveals and accelerates capitalist decadence and decomposition
- May 2020
- Covid-19 in Peru: Capitalism means more death, misery and attacks on the workers!
- Covid-19 in the United States: Working class response to the cynical indifference of capitalism
- Message to our readers: WR 386 in PDF form only
- Special dossier on Covid-19: The real killer is capitalism!
- All pandemics of the past were the product of decadent societies and Covid-19 is no exception
- The Covid-19 pandemic reveals the dilapidated condition of world capitalism
- The Covid crisis shows the dead end of capitalism
- A year of negligence faced with Covid: Capitalism kills!
- Anti-Covid vaccines: Health is just a commodity for capitalism
- Covid-19 in Africa: From the vain hopes of 2020 to the brutal reality of 2021
- For the bourgeoisie, promising the best is preparing the worst!
- ICC ‘virtual’ discussion meetings with contacts, December 2020: Lively debate on “The pandemic and the working class”
- Second wave of the pandemic: the impotence of all states and governments!
- The fuel for conspiracy theories is the decomposition of capitalism
- The negligent and irrational response of the Modi regime
- The return to school in France and Britain: The price that children are paying for the capitalist pandemic
- The second wave in the Netherlands and Belgium: the failure of governments and states to control the pandemic
- The virus of imperialism and militarism cannot be eradicated in capitalism
- The working class bears the brunt of the pandemic
- The “Swedish Strategy” and the fiction of the Welfare State
- War of the vaccines: Capitalism is an obstacle to the discovery of a treatment
- The British government's "Herd Immunity" policy is not science but the abandonment of the most sick and vulnerable
- US bourgeoisie’s chaotic response to the pandemic
- June 2020
- July 2020
- On the adventurist element in Spain
- Slavery and racism, tools of capitalist exploitation
- The ACG rejects identity politics but “accepts” a democratic secular state of Israel
- The groups of the communist left faced with the Black Lives Matters protests: a failure to identify the terrain of the working class
- August 2020
- September 2020
- 1990-2020, Thirty years of war and destruction in the Middle East. Part One: a decomposing system sinking into military barbarism
- 1990-2020: 30 years of war and destruction in the Middle East. Part II - An infernal spiral of all-out confrontations and bloody massacres
- The misery of refugees in Moria shows the true face of the ruling class
- October 2020
- November 2020
- December 2020
- ICConline - 2021
- January 2021
- February 2021
- March 2021
- 30 years since the death of our comrade Marc Chirik
- A hundred years after the Kronstadt uprising
- Democracy or military junta, the same capitalist dictatorship
- Hands off the Commune!
- Reader's letter: Why has the ICC abandoned the concept of the "historic course"?
- Student struggles in France: Faced with poverty, young people are not giving up!
- The attitude to education in the historical workers’ movement
- April 2021
- Lessons of the Indian famers’ movement: the interests of the rich farmers are not those of the rural wage labourers
- The February 1941 strike in Holland: class solidarity against racist persecution
- Turkey and the imperialist free-for-all
- Workers have no interest in defending capitalism’s “democratic rights”
- Young people are casualties of the putrefaction of capitalist society
- May 2021
- June 2021
- July 2021
- Capitalism is dragging humanity towards a planet-wide catastrophe
- Ethiopia - an "economic miracle" turned into a nightmare
- Letter to the ICC: What method to use to understand the true nature of a group claiming to be from the Communist Left?
- The "Descent of Man" by Charles Darwin came out 150 years ago this year
- The Euros and the exacerbation of nationalism
- What is the significance of the phenomenon of the “Uberisation” of employees?
- Workers must not take sides in divisions between capitalist cliques
- August 2021
- September 2021
- The bitter fruits of the “War on Terror”
- Covid-19, climate catastrophe, chaos in Afghanistan... Capitalism's historic crisis is gathering pace
- Discussion: Covid, Climate, Afghanistan – world capitalism’s advancing decay
- Exacerbation of tensions between the great powers and instability of alliances
- New climate protests: it’s capitalism which is destroying the planet!
- The “defence of democracy” is not a vaccine against capitalism; it is a deadly virus for the proletariat
- UNAM teachers’ strike: The need to relearn the lessons of the past
- October 2021
- November 2021
- Migrants blocked on the Belarusian frontier: The cynicism of the bourgeoisie has no limits!
- Despite bosses, Covid, and the unions: the class struggle has not disappeared!
- Struggles in the United States, in Iran, in Italy, in Korea... Neither the pandemic nor the economic crisis have broken the combativity of the proletariat!
- The Communist Party of Belgium, from revolution to counter-revolution
- December 2021
- ICConline - 2022
- January 2022
- February 2022
- March 2022
- April 2022
- May 2022
- Critical balance sheet of the 2011 Indignados movement in Spain
- Divergences with the Resolution on the International Situation of the 24th ICC congress (explanation of a minority position, by Ferdinand)
- Ukraine Dossier: Capitalism is War - War on Capitalism!
- Against imperialist war - the class struggle!
- Capitalism is war, war on capitalism! (International leaflet)
- War in Ukraine and the Middle East: Two expressions of the horror and irrational madness of capitalism!
- Russia-Ukraine crisis: war is capitalism’s way of life
- Ukraine: Two years of imperialist confrontation, two years of barbarism and destruction
- Between internationalism and the "defence of the nation"
- Zimmerwald Conference – An indispensable reference for the defence of internationalism
- Confronted with war and economic crisis, the working class must not make any sacrifices
- United States, Russia, European Union, Ukraine... all states are responsible for the war!
- ICC public meetings: Who can put an end to capitalist wars and barbarism?
- Understanding militarism and decomposition
- An internationalist statement from inside Russia
- “Humanitarian” propaganda in the service of war
- Trotskyism: beating the drums of imperialist war
- Stop the War Coalition: an instrument of anti-American imperialism
- Brief position statement on the war in Ukraine
- Correspondence with Anti-Militarist Initiative
- A balance sheet of the public meetings about the Joint Statement by groups of the Communist Left on the war in Ukraine.
- A barbaric war intensifies
- A giant step into barbarism
- Britain plays its part in the imperialist slaughter
- Imperialist and criminal propaganda!
- War in Ukraine, pandemic, environmental disaster, economic crisis... Only the proletariat can offer a future to humanity
- “Anarchists” who forget the principles. Statement by KRAS-IWA
- Some impressions of the ICC meetings of the 5th and 6th of March 2022
- The ruling class demands sacrifices on the altar of war
- June 2022
- Explanation of the amendments by comrade Steinklopfer rejected by the Congress
- Imperialist war in Ukraine: what is the response of the working class?
- La France Insoumise: always at the service of capitalism
- The Struggle for the Class Party in Britain 1848-1914
- Part 1: From Chartism to the Socialist League
- Part 2: The role of the Social Democratic Federation
- Part 3: The Socialist League and the fight against sectarianism
- Part 4: 1880s and 1890s: revival of workers' struggle and the socialist response
- Part 5: The Independent Labour Party and the pressure of reformism
- Part 6: 1894-1900: Socialist party or labour alliance?
- Part 7: The Labour Representation Committee and the strengthening of opportunism
- Part 8: The need for internationalism in the face of the Boer War
- Part 9: The workers’ movement in Britain and the Second International
- Part 10: The development of the left in the Social Democratic Federation
- Part 11: The escalation of the class struggle 1908-1911
- Part 12: The rise of syndicalism and industrial unionism
- Part 13: Socialist organisations and the ‘industrial’ struggles of 1908-14
- Part 14: Labour and the unions mobilise the workers for war
- Part 15: Proletarian opposition to the First World War
- Uvalde shootings: a new illustration of the barbaric agony of capitalism
- July 2022
- August 2022
- September 2022
- A summer of anger in Britain: The ruling class demands further sacrifices, the response of the working class is to fight!
- AWW and Ukraine war: There is no middle ground between internationalism and “national defence”
- Capitalist propaganda in the service of national unity. Workers have no country!
- Neither Lula nor Bolsonaro! Against all the capitalist camps, the only future is the development of the class struggle
- Presentation to the September 2022 public meetings
- Reflections on the July public meeting of the ICC
- Response to the correspondence between groups of the communist left
- The murder of Mahsa Amini is a manifestation of the brutality of the Islamic bourgeoisie!
- October 2022
- November 2022
- December 2022
- ICConline - 2023
- January 2023
- A citizens’ protest is not the class struggle
- Attacking the ICC: the raison d'être of the IGCL
- The international importance of the strike wave in Britain
- Why the proletariat is the revolutionary class: Critical notes on the article 'Leçons de la lutte des ouvriers anglais' in Révolution Internationale no 9
- February 2023
- It’s not enough to come out in large numbers, we have to take control of our struggles!
- The bourgeoisie has no alternative to austerity and more brutal attacks
- The name of the disaster is capitalism - only proletarian class solidarity can save us!
- The Spectator and the “disgruntled French”
- Union control reinforces divisions
- March 2023
- On the recent meeting of NWBTCW in Paris
- Peru: The dead-end of the protests and the role of state repression
- Solidarity with healthworkers striking in defence of their wages and conditions, not with their employer, the NHS
- Strikes, demonstrations, 49.3: what next?
- The response of the working class to the acceleration of barbarism
- Third Manifesto of the ICC
- UK, France, Spain, Germany, Mexico, China... Everywhere the same question: How to develop the struggle? How to make governments back down?
- War fever, internationalism, and the limitations of anarchism
- We are not the only ones fighting…there are workers' struggles all over the world!
- April 2023
- 140 years since the death of Marx
- Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Mexico, China…. We have to go further than in 1968!
- Conflict within the Israeli bourgeoisie: no camp for workers to choose!
- Critique of the so-called “Communisers”
- Discussion Bulletin - groups of the Communist Left
- Discussion Bulletin of groups of the Communist Left
- Taxation of "super-profits": No, capitalism cannot be reformed!
- We have to go further than in 1968!
- “Social dialogue” and “democracy” versus class consciousness
- May 2023
- June 2023
- July 2023
- Irresponsible chatter plays into the hands of the bourgeoisie
- La santé et la révolution : Russie soviétique, 1917 – 1924 (Health and Revolution in Soviet Russia, 1917-24)
- Provocation, repression and manipulation are used by the police to sabotage the struggle
- Shipwreck of migrants in the Mediterranean: capitalism kills to defend its borders
- August 2023
- September 2023
- A "conference of left communism" in Brussels? A decoy for those who want to take part in the revolutionary struggle!
- Communist Left discussion bulletin No2
- Europe outsources its dirty work to Frontex and ‘third party’ countries
- Faced with the whirlwind of capitalist decomposition, only the class struggle offers a way out
- October 2023
- November 2023
- An opportunist intervention towards workers’ struggles in the USA
- In memory of our comrade Miguel
- Massacres and wars in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, Azerbaijan... Capitalism sows death! How can we stop it? (international leaflet)
- Public Meetings of the ICT in France: a real political failure
- The real father of the atomic bomb is capitalism
- War in the Middle East: another step towards barbarism and global chaos
- December 2023
- British capitalism and the development of the class struggle
- Conflict in the Middle East: Capitalist barbarity knows no bounds!
- Death of Kissinger: The bourgeoisie loses a great defender of capitalism
- Garment workers' strike in Bangladesh - part of the world-wide class struggle
- Rioting is not a weapon of the working class
- ICConline - 2024
- January 2024
- A century after his death... Lenin remains an example for all communist militants
- Dossier on war in the Middle East
- More than a century of conflict in Israel/Palestine
- The SWP justifies Hamas slaughter
- War in the Middle East: The obsolete theoretical framework of the Bordigist groups
- The ACG takes another step towards supporting the nationalist war campaign
- Against the Barbaric War of Israel and Iran. Capitalism Means War and Barbarism!
- Leftist support for Palestinian nationalism is a dose of capitalist poison – don’t swallow it
- Support for “Free Palestine” means support for imperialist war
- The ambiguities of anarchist internationalism
- Massacres and wars in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine, Azerbaijan... Capitalism sows death! How can we stop it?
- Northern Ireland: workers join the international revival of struggles
- February 2024
- A proletarian but opportunist reaction to the degeneration of the Comintern
- Anger of the farmers: a cry of despair instrumentalised against workers’ consciousness.
- Dossier: Internal debate on the world situation
- Steinklopfer: response to the reply of the ICC from August 2022
- The revolutionary press is a political compass and a fighting weapon
- The ruling class uses its own decomposition against the workers
- March 2024
- April 2024
- New response to Steinklopfer
- Shock measures met with manoeuvres by the unions and the left of capital... In Argentina, the proletariat is under attack from all sides
- Terrorist massacre in Russia: capitalism sinks ever deeper into chaos!
- War tensions between Venezuela and Guyana: workers must reject the call to defend their country
- Wars between Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Iran: capitalism takes another step into barbarism
- What is 'Lotta Comunista' in reality?
- May 2024
- June 2024
- July 2024
- Andreas Malm: 'Ecological' rhetoric in defence of the capitalist state
- Another fake International … Despite its new coat the Trotskyist IMT remains an enemy of the working class
- India after the elections: A narrow mandate for Modi and more sacrifices for the working class
- The capitalist left cannot save a dying system
- The rise of populism is a pure product of capitalist decomposition
- The US bourgeoisie sinks into the quagmire of instability
- August 2024
- September 2024
- October 2024
- In Argentina, as elsewhere, workers must learn the lessons of their past struggles in order to prepare for those of the future.
- On the call for the Communist Left to make a joint appeal against the democratic campaign
- Prague “Action Week”: response to the CWO’s balance-sheet
- The death of Michel Olivier: An indecent opportunity for a new anti-ICC campaign
- The global implications of the US elections
- November 2024
- An international debate to understand the global situation and prepare for the future
- Floods in Valencia: capitalism is an unfolding catastrophe
- Strikes in the United States, Canada, Italy... For three years, the working class has been fighting against austerity!
- Trump's triumph in the United States: A giant step forward in the decomposition of capitalism!
- Unemployment, job insecurity, ‘reforms’... The left-wing of capital is always out to get the working class
- December 2024
- A necessary debate for the clarification of positions and principles
- Bourgeois propaganda about Syria
- Fall of the Assad regime in Syria: One butcher has fallen, others will bring more wars, massacres and chaos!
- Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria... The capitalist spiral of militarism and chaos!
- Why international public meetings are important for the future
- ICConline - 2025
- ICConline - January 2025
- Contribution on imperialism from a sympathiser in India
- Neither populism nor bourgeois democracy ... The only real alternative is the worldwide development of class struggle against all factions of the bourgeoisie
- On the ICC meeting on the 16th November 2024 and the origins of the “rupture” in the class struggle
- The Dutch ruling class makes use of populism and anti-populism
- The election of Trump will accelerate capitalist decomposition
- The quarrel between ‘Révolution Permanente’ and ‘Lutte Ouvrière’: Two Trotskyist varieties of the same nationalist positions
- ICConline - February 2025
- ICConline - March 2025
- ICConline - April 2025
- ICConline - May 2025
- ICConline - June 2025