Submitted by World Revolution on

We would like to inform our readers about the creation of an ICC nucleus in Brazil. This will contribute significantly to the development of the political presence of our organisation in the most important country in Latin America – a country which has the biggest industrial concentrations in this region and some of the biggest internationally. There also exists in this country a milieu of proletarian political groups and of elements drawn towards revolutionary positions. We have already mentioned in our press and on our website in Portuguese about the Workers’ Opposition (OpOp), including the following events: the holding of joint public meetings and the publication of a common statement on the social situation; the publication on our Portuguese language site of an account of a debate between our two organisations on historical materialism; and texts by the OpOp which we consider to be of particular interest. As an expression of this mutual interest, OpOp also participated in the work of the 17th Congress of our section in France and the 17th International Congress.
In Sao Paulo there is also a group in formation, influenced by the positions of the communist left. We have recently established regular political relations with this group, including joint public meetings.
We obviously hope that our collaboration with these groups will be increasingly close and fruitful. This perspective is not at all in contradiction with our aim of developing the specific political presence of the ICC in Brazil. On the contrary, our permanent presence in this country will make it possible to strengthen the collaboration between our organisations, all the more so because between our nucleus and the OpOp there is already a long shared history, based on mutual respect and confidence.
The creation of our nucleus is the concretisation of work that the ICC began over 15 years ago. This work has intensified in recent years through the contacts we have made with different groups and elements, and through the holding of public meetings in different cities, some of which – those held in the universities- have been extremely well attended. For us this is not the end of a process but a significant step in the development of the positions of the communist left on the South American continent. Far from being a Brazilian exception, this event is part of the same phenomenon of the appearance of groups all over the world, which is the product of the revival of struggles on a world scale and of the tendency of the working class to give rise to revolutionary minorities.
ICC June 07.